Cosplaying as a Sysadmin
I went a bit overboard with my backups and felt like telling you a little bit about it... I guess...
I went a bit overboard with my backups and felt like telling you a little bit about it... I guess...
Is more always better or not? As usual in life, there is always a catch 22, which I want to just ramble and think about in this post. 😄
Just a general reflection on life the past few months, again... 😄
Just a general reflection on life the past few months...
A little backstory on why and how I am going to Amsterdam for a Master's degree in Software Engineering.
I got something neat to show you... My new micro-blog. Come. Take a look.
Incoherant rambling on stuff and 2-dimensional codes.
I'm not an expert in this... But I felt like talking about accessibility in software for a while.
This is basically an excuse to talk about Force-Directed graph drawing to freshen up my knowledge.
A few thoughts on life right now...
A little AI experiment on a complete blog entry with a very strange topic.
A little story on a writing process without actually writing that much... How? Find out...
Some quick random fun-facts on jellyfish... Please don't ask why I'm writing this... 😅
A little story from my life about how I "became" a graphic designer.
A simple piece of advice on how you can motivate yourself to learn/do everything you wanted to do.
My different thoughts on the web and its current state considering bloat and simplicity.
On different alternative web page protocols and their niche uses.
A few of my thoughts on why I maintain this webspace and other related things.
In this blog post I'm giving an introduction to my private version control system using a Raspberry Pi.
In here I'm giving you an introduction to the esoteric programming language "Brainfuck"
A little introduction to my blog and what you can expect from me.